Here is all the info on the events from the last year. Let's hope 2001 is as fun packed with fav bands on tour and new albums.
Ok, this is just like the coolest thing since John Hughs wrote "The Breakfast Club". IT's put on by a local radio station called Channel104.9-which has since changed format to new alternative music. It is 80s music no-more(SIGH). Last year, my friend and I were able to get ourselves backstage to live 80s dreams of meeting pop stars in the 90s. Now, it's 2000, it was at the Bay Meadows Race Track again, Sat. Oct. 21. The bands were an even better line-up. It could be because I was asked by the station at the beginning of the year to give ideas and brainstorm how to improve. Needless to say, I hinted Day of D was great, and another one would be better with Berlin again. I also recommended The Fixx to play.
Low and was the bill:
Talk about a grouping of bands that rocked!!! Tommy Tutone went on first, and for only having one really big hit(867-5309, like who didn't call this number in the 80s) I noticed I recognized some other songs. Sounded good as well.
Next was The Fixx, which rocked just like the last time I saw them. Unfortunately, their bus had broken down in Bakersfield(What a place to have your bus break down! It's in the middle of CA in the Central Valley for those of you that have no clue where Bakersfield is. OF course, that is part of the problem.) So they were flown in by the radio station and driven by limo to the performance meadow(Yes, there is a real meadow in the middle of the race track.), just like real rock/pop stars. Boy, glad they were. Excellent live.....
Then I squeezed my way to the front to get close to see Berlin. And damn, were they better than last year! They have a new LIVE ALBUM-(to purchase in my 80s store) out called "Sacred and Profane". They played a lot of the line-up from that album, including some of the new songs. AND OF COURSE, THEY DID SEX! Can't have a Berlin show without a little of that.
Terri looked great! Hope I look that great when I'm several more years in age. OF course, several of the guys were quite happy with the see through mesh outfit which only she can pull off with her incredible figure. In fact, most of the band wore mesh see-through shirts of black, except Dallan, whom I'm sure was just being a little rebelious.
Terri did a dedication to Ben Orr as well, whom was at the last Day of Decadence. Ben Orr of course, died about 2 weeks ago on Wed. Oct. 11 from Pancreatic Cancer. Terri mentioned she had wanted to do a duet with him sometime, and realized sometimes you should just do things now or you may loose the opportunity. She dedicated "Take My Breath Away" to him hoping he'll hear where he is now.
Having met him last year at DayofD, both my friend and I joined in singing to Ben....may he rest in peace. He was awesome to hang out with, and we had a lovely time chatting with him at the hotel bar after the concert. ROCK ON BEN! Heaven has one awesome band for you to jam with.
Next, I squeezed myself up to the fence, dead center, for Men at Work. Which were great as well! I'm not as familar with the band as the die-hard fans that surrounded me(who knew all the words to the songs as much as I did for Berlin), but they played all of the hits they are known for. PLus, put on a great show, "Bigger, Bigger" to "Some One Knocking...".
At the end of course, got a chance to get a big hug from Dallan, which of course, it is always great to be recognized by any pop star. Funny thing is he recognized me by my handle...TIFFMEISTER, since he's been to my site. So, I guess that means I am making an impact in the web universe, keepin' 80s music rockin'. Especially if pop stars recognize me by my handle instead of my real name.
Of course, my real question is, will Berlin finally get to headline next year? I mean Men at Work was awesome, but as far as dancing and fun power, Berlin was the best. Here's to Day of D 3!
To see what happened last year, check out the full story:THE DAY OF DECADENCE Backstage Adventure
A fellow named Rob Juarez is the fellow behind this fantastic tour. Juarez toured with OMD, the Thompson Twins, Wang Chung and Big Country before starting his own tour. He was a member of the English Beat for two years. Here's a quote from the man in charge to what to expect in the future with even a second tour in the works.
"For this first tour, we have assured the artists that they will work from July 1 to August 5," Juarez said.
"The second will be more pop and will kick off in September, band schedules permitting."
"That's where my heart is at," he said. "This music is the soundtrack to an important part
of my life." --Quotes taken from Cool On Craze website-Wang Chang Fansite.
Well, hell has frozen over, and the Go-gos went back on tour together. Hmmm...and we thought the 80s were gone? Plus, the Psychedelic Furs and B-52s are with them. Who could ask for more this summer. Friends of mine on the 80s Server Board went to the concert in Pittsburgh and have pics up on their site of the show. Check them out here!
The B-52s/Go-Gos/Pychedelic Furs Concert ReviewTiff puts in her 2 cents on the Tour!All I can say is I'm glad the Bay Area is at the end of most tours that come through. All the bands had time to practice during the many dates before, and by the time they got to the Bay Area, they all sounded fabulous. It was like being back in the 80s.(SOrry, had to say it. They were all that darn good.) I think the Go-Gos were the best. I was looking forward to see them since they broke up before I was old enough to see them. I mean, how many groups now actually know how to play instruments as well as they do. The jokes/rap song about face lifts and tummy tucks was halarious. And of course, they had all the jump around, kicking while playin' Go-Gos moves. | ![]() |
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B-52s were good as well, but I saw them in 98. So I wasn't as looking forward since it was similar to last time, but just as fun. The Psychedelic Furs need to headline their own bill. Their music is a bit more mellow than the other two bands, and they sounded absolutely great! But it was more of a crowd for the other two bands. POint to support: Mother in t-shirt line helping her 11-12 year girl get a t-shirt. They were shopping like a store, trying on different shirts by holding them up to the girl. When one lady friend suggested the Furs, the mother insisted..."She doesn't even know who the Psychedelic Furs are." So thus, I think the Furs were shafted a bit. I want to see them come back and headline with another band more their musical speed. |
IT is a sad bid of news to report that Ben Orr died on Oct. 11 Wed. evening from complications from Pancreatic Cancer. He was one of the members of the band-The Cars, and was touring with a comeback over the last year. Rest in peace Ben. You'll be remembered as the inspiration to our trials, hopes, and teenage years in the 80s.
More news on Ben's Death and condolences from fans...Link here!
I think the best way for an 80s artist to make it in the 90s, or 00s now I guess, is to be a front runner in their field. ANd of course, owning you're own company doesn't hurt.
Thomas Dolby apparently has been busy with his company Beatnik, Inc. in first MP3 technology, and now with digital music technology.
Ok,as I've been doing the news research this week, I've noticed that lot's of bands are working on new albums to be released. Bands working on this path of excellance are A-Ha, Men at Work, ABC, and Berlin(just to name a few). A-Ha's new album is called "Minor Earth, Major Sky". IT was released on May 29th in the UK. Men at Work picked through beta tapes and other old recordings to create what seems to be a live album with a newly written single. ABC (with Martin Fry still at the helm) plan to create a new album next year possibly entitled "Stravaganza". The TUBES have an album out that was released on Oct. 17, "Best of the Tubes Millenium Collection". Their second album out on Oct. 10 is called "Tubes World Tour 2001" and features new singles and past hits. Erasure has a new album out called "Loveboat" released on Oct. 23. Last and definately not least, Berlin's new live album called "Berlin Live-Sacred and Profane" came out on April 18th. | ![]() |
If you want to know what your band is doing, new album, tour, or whatever...try my 80s Band Links Page.
Check out all of their tour pics and merchandise available through the homesite. It's pretty camp too....worth checking out.
Check the official Culture Club site!
I know this sounds like a vicious internet rumor, but it seems pretty sound. Below is the Press Release posted on the 80s Server Board.
LONDON (Reuters) - Boy George, the flamboyant frontman of pop
band Culture Club, was nearly killed when he was hit by a giant
disco ball that plunged from the ceiling of a British concert hall.
``It would have been both ironic and glamorous to be finished off by
a four-foot glitter ball,'' he told the Sun tabloid on Thursday.
``But I have survived and I'm still here, although my back is aching
like anything. It caught my ear, which is really sore as well.''
Boy George, who is also a top dance DJ, was doing a sound check
with the rest of the reformed 1980s band at the Bournemouth
International Center in southern England when the wire holding the
62-pound mirrored ball snapped.
Despite being treated for shock and severe bruising, he insisted on
performing the show.
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