CyberFriend's Membership
CyberFriend's Membership Instructions 
So you want to become official? It's real easy.
CyberFriend Membership Guidelines
---Because I don't want to be sued, whined at, or have anything else happen that requires covering my butt.
- Be a person that thinks the Internet is better than sliced bread.
- Be willing and/or in need of putting gif pics all over your page/site to make it look cool.
- You enjoy adding anything that makes your page/site look like it is important.
- Enjoy meeting other people on the Internet.
- Believe FREE SPEECH is important, and are willing to go along with a warning description on your listing if nec.
- Do have pornography links or pics, or racist slogans, pics, comments,or links on you site/page. Sorry, but Geocities doesn't allow this as well. And besides, they got their own directories out there.
- Don't think the Mr. Smiley CF logo is too offensive after staring at it for hours. And you still think it's cool when it keeps moving in and out of a smile.
- You're OK with putting a link, or gif and link, on your web page/site to help people find their way through Cyberspace to the CF Community Links Page.
If this sounds cool so far....
Here's what you do.
- Copy the code below onto your page, or Viewsource and Copy. This code is for a link that looks like this.
This page is a member of the CyberFriend's Community!
- Copy the code below onto your page if you want an animated gif pic next to your link. It looks like the sample below.
This page is a member of the CyberFriend's Community!
NEW***Member GIF***
- This code can be copyed when viewed from Source. This is just the image to place on your page, or pages.

- Or here it is with a link code back to the CFC Home Links page.
Use either at your discretion. I just need one link on your site to qualify you as a member.

- Email me with the URL to your site, and a brief description. I'll check it out, and if you fit the guidelines above, you're in. I'll send you an email to confirm your membership.
Email The Tiffmeister here!
That's all Folks! 
Thanks for stopping by. I'll process your request as fast as my speedy modem can pick it up from AOL. Mind you, I'll be visiting relations from Aug. 10th through the 27th. So, I'll answer all requests send during that time when I get back. Unless, I can get my hands on a computer there.
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