CyberFriend's Community Links
If you can't create a page better than them, link'em! Dedicated to the promotion of personal web sites and pages!!
This is a community page to people out there in Cyberspace. There is no rhythm or reason to most of this community except that this page was built to help people navagate and meet other people on the Web.
This page is dedicated to people who love the Internet, enjoy chatting-on and surfing the net, and want to keep it rockin'.
This is the CyberFriends' Way.
The Cyberfriends WebRing Home Page
Do not need to be a member to join the ring, but heah...joining CYBERFRIENDS can be a h*ll of a lot of fun!
Get a Free Email Account from the Cyberfriends Community!!
The CYBERFRIENDS Recommended Links in Cyberspace!
The CFC Web Page Award
See if your page can win!!
Become a CyberFriend. Think the guidelines are fine, put a cool gif pic on your page , and add a link. Email me, and you're in. It's that simple.
Link Here for Info!
Check out the CFC Guestbook!
Yup, a place where you can go to with other cyberfriends like yourself. Click on the Chat Subject Banner below to start your chatting journey.
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Links to the Tiffmeister's Forum Pages:
Tiffmeister's Silicon Valley Humor Page
Tiffmeister's X-Files Page
80s Music Connection
Tiffmeister's Sci-Fi/Fantasy Page
This all sounds great, but you don't have a web page. Don't worry, I think of everything.
Tiffmeister's Guide to Creating Your Own Home Page
You all have a nice day, you hear?
...and would love to have you visit the links to browse at your leasure if you so choose the mission...
Just surfed on, think the internet rocks and want to share,...
Here's a way to find out more about the Webmaster, and see if I'm on-line.
If not, here's the old stand by to get a hold of me:
Roll the dice for a random link or
add your site to the random link database.
You are the CyberPerson to surf by.