Through a special request, I managed to get some concert pics from one of the mIRC #mylene members--MULDER--whom got his camera into the Sat. 25th show at Bercy Paris. I promised to give him credit and make him he deserves all the credit for the pictures below you'll see. THANKS MULDER--You're a Saint!
Mylene dazzled everyone in this white, slinky number for the opening of the concert. She sang songs such as "Mylenium" to start out.
I must say, it was worth going half way around the world for. She definately has stage presence.
Mylene on the mechanical hand. The main back drop was this huge statue of a goddess like figure, maybe from ancient Greece or Eygpt. It resembled Mylene of course.
Here she is coming out of the head of the statue. (Also like above opening pic of page, but at a different lighting moment.)
And course, she danced! Here she is with her dancers during a medley of older songs including "Sans Contrefacon", and "Disenchantee".
Mylene close up on the big screen.
It turned out to be a great show that will last with me forever. It was worth the jet lag after all! Keep it rockin MYLENE!Mylene on the swing during the song "Dessine-moi un Mouton"!
NOTE: Please ask me before using the above concert pics...I'm sure Mulder won't mind, but he'd like to know what they are used for. Remember...he still is heading for fame here...;-)
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Designed Oct. 2, 1999--Pictures courtesy of MULDER--mIRC #MYLENE member
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