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This site is dedicated to the living potential of the growing internet. Where else can you find a 24 hour outlet for exchanging your ideas, interests, and chat in any languages you may know. There is always some one on somewhere in the world. Well, multiply this by thousands. Boggles, doesn't it?
So, I've started to learn HTML, and how to maintain a web site on the net to further my learning of webpages and HTML. Since I live in the Silicon Valley, this is not too hard. Half the book stores here have whole sections dedicated to the web,HTML, and JAVA. Let alone a good portion of my friends are engineers or into computers.
Link to my page on the Silicon Valley...
So this site has formed as a brainchild for my internet daily fix, to exchange info, thoughts, ideas, on subjects I enjoy and have some expertise. And plenty of great links to help all of us poor saps trying to navigate cyberspace without hitting on one of those personal pages that has pictures of the family pet, and interests typed in 10 pt. font. Hopefully, this site will serve as a needed starting point for your search for info, or a nice place to find a laugh or too in interests we may share. Enjoy!!
-I know, Bio's are really boring, so I put it on a seperate page.
My Personal BioThanks for stopping by! Cheers!
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Great minds must stick together. Have input for the Forum, suggestions, links, subjects, want to pat me on the back for inputing all this HTML without an editor...
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