I have finally arrived to the need to create an archive since most news I've gathered on Mylene would take forever to load to have all of the juicy tidbits upfront and personal. So, here is an archive of latest news when it happened. If you missed any good bids over the last 2 years, this is the way to catch up. From magazines she has appeared in to the baby rumor of the summer of 2000, it's all been left as written. I have started with the Summary of 2001 news and listed back to 1999. Happy reading!
Mylene has been nominated and winning for the last few years in this category. It's sort of like the French Globe Awards. You can vote on-line for Mylene at:
Vote for Mylene Here-IN FRENCHNOTE: Though the site is in French, to vote all you need to do is hit the VOTE button underneath Mylene's picture.
Well, when your one of the best, everyone wants to do your songs. Kate Ryan has redone Mylene's song "Libertine" in a more recent sound. But of course, I prefer the Mylene version. Link here to DOWNLOAD a clip of the song to decide for yourself. ;-) It's available on the Instant-Mag site-Mylene's Fan Magazine. Kate Ryan has already done another cover of Mylene's song "Desenchantee" that was released on July 2nd.
During the summer, Mylene has a single out in France called "C'est Une Belle Journee". The single "Les Mots" that features the singer "Seal" is now available in England with a version of L'Histoire D'une fee, c'est..." as its B-Side.
Mylene's newest album "Les Mots-Best of" is now available on Amazon.com for all of us Non-Mylene Land Folk. It's available to order on-line through my Mylene Farmer On-Line store. (I've got mine on order, and further info will be forthcoming once I receive it. ;-)
Mylene won for best singer of the year at this years NRJ Awards in France. She also sang her new duo with Seal "Les Mots". Unfortunately, Celine and Garou won for best duo. For those just learning about Mylene(ie, curious Seal fans) the NRJ Awards are similar to the Golden Globe Awards in the states. Winners are chosen by popular vote of fans and normal people like you and I.
The singer Seal has recorded a new single with
Mylene. It has released on Nov. 13th. It is being released in France.
From the sample on the Instant-Mag site, the single seems to be in both
English and French. It is called "Les Mots", and is starting to be
played on Euro stations NRJ, RTL, and Europe 1. The video is going to premire on M6 on Nov. 7. It is again directed by beloved Laurent and even has the costumer from "Georgino" working on it. The promo pics along with 30 sec. of the audio single are available on Instant-Mag for your inspection. The link: Instant-Mag Link for Mylene's New Single! | ![]() |
Well, looks like the new album is one of the , scrap up what we haven't released yet and call it BEST OF Mylene. It's due out on November 27th. Yup, the single with Seal is the new song with some of her hard to get songs added on to the album. Songs to be included are: C'est une belle journee ; Pardonne-moi ; Les mots ; Puisque, La veuve noire; Mylene is calling ; My Soul is slashed ; Effets secondaires. I've heard of some of these songs as hard to get and "B" sides. So it could be kinda choice for the not so die-hard fan to get some of her other cool songs that are hard to find. Some tracks from the new album are available to heard on Instant-Mag. Instant-Mag's website.
Heah, I got an email this summer saying the Mylene Farmer International Fan Club is folding, ending, caput! Needless to say I'm super shocked! So I've been double checking, and it is official. There is no more an official international fan club for Mylene.
Now lets consider this a moment. I know totally that most of the Mylene Fan-Friends I hang out with on-line are all international fans, exp. on #mylene channel on mIRC. So this has got to leave a huge hole on the internet and beyond. Well, I must say I'm still here at your international service, for fans in the States and other No-Mylene Lands. Hang in there. I'll try to keep you as informed as possible. Meanwhile, it looks like the only official site left for Mylene is Instant-Mag, her on-line magazine and website.
Meanwhile, I have gotten more information from those that ACTUALLY live in France that Jean-Remy Gaudin-Bridet, the person in charge of the MFIFC wanted more favors, free promos or albums, etc. from Mylene Farmer. She refused since she has NO OFFICIAL internet fan club. Apparently, he got so peaved he closed down the site, had a press conference, and started a press bashing trend that was saying Mylene doesn't give enough to her fans. Of course, living in California, I have to rely on fans/MFFZ-USA visitors to let me know about what is happening on the other side of the Atlantic.
Of course, as a person that runs a website in the interest of helping others bridge the gap of being informed about Mylene when you live in a No-Mylene Land, I try my best to find the most accurate info and pass it along. I always try to update and change information that might be needful due to language boundaries or even other boundaries. I know many people that run websites on Mylene info, etc., and most of us are doing this all out of an act of love for our favorite French singer. Mylene gives quite a bit to her fans, and really, I've never known anyone to expect more for just helping out other Mylene fans.
There was an article from Voici that is available on-line through INSTANT-MAG (Mylene's On-Line Magazine) that reported how she's able to live in L.A. and no one knows who she is. She goes off in her 4 X 4 Ford SUV(hopefully without Firestone Tires) and goes shopping at the local grocery store. No one notices that this red head is someone famous, but then, she is renting a place in Hollywood. Movie and Pop Stars do have to eat you know. Probably doesn't turn many heads if a movie star actually walks in to shop.
Still, it was amusing the irony the article had full with pictures of Mylene doing normal stuff, driving a car, shopping, going to the studio to record her new album that will come out sometime in 2002. You know, she probably has to go to the bathroom and has bad hair days too.
OF course I do think, she could always come up to the Silicon Valley to shoot her new video? Digital is in these days. How about San Francisco? That's full of all kinds of places to shoot. Or even staying with a certain blonde Native Californian? Got a hide-a-bed with her name on it. I'll show her the ropes..the pubs, clubs, and other amusements. Not to mention Cable Car Flying, one must try that. Ok, fantasy is now over.
You can find the whole article, pictures included, on-line on Instant-Mag in the Revue De Presse Section.
Apparently due to the fiasco about the website closing and bad press, Mylene did not release the "Regrets-Live" single. However, the single 'L'Histoire d'une fee, c'est...' from the Rugrats movie was released in France (but back in Nov.-'L'Histoire d'une fee, c'est...'. was released in the States ;-).
Yes, the long awaited soundtrack for her fabulous recent tour is finally out in France. It is currently high on the charts, #1 the week of 12/15. As soon as it is available on Amazon.com, I will link it for your purchasing pleasure. Soon to come...video of the concert on DVD, available first selling quarter of 2001.
To purchase the Double CD of the Mylenium Tour...LINK TO AMAZON.COM
For a critique of the DVD video of the tour live...(in French), go to this link...
For the Rugrats Album, Mylenium TOur CDS or other Mylene Albums available to purchase on-line through Amazon.com, visit my Mylene Farmer On-Line Store.
I think I'm translating right, but it seems that the new Album will have a DVD of the new video "Les Mots" with it. Heah, other French fleunts, check me on that one. But then, I don't have a DVD player, maybe you can just pop one with a double CD album, right?
Here is a repeat of information since I've been asked it several
more times through Guestbook postings and emails. Looks like her first
set of videos...Video Clips from "Plus Grandir"...up through "Beyond My
Control" will be out on DVD on May 23, 2000. The second set, which is
Video Clips II without "Que Mon Coeur Lache", but with "California",
etc...will also have one video off her new album..."L'Ame Stram Gram",
with the making of that video. Plus the videos,
- L'âme-stram-gram
- Je te rends ton amour
- Souviens-toi du jour
- Optimistique-moi
This came out in sometime in Jan. Last but not least, the Concert at Bercy in 1996 was available on DVD May 23, 2000.
Also available is the Mylenium Tour and Video Collection II and III now on Amazon.FR. Will be having a direct purchase link through my Mylene Farmer Store soon! (It's been a rough couple of weeks here in the states. Maintenance of over my 5 sites is alittle behind.)
I get a lot of DVD questions which are hard for me to answer since I
DON'T OWN ONE YET. (I being a lot poorer from my teacher salary, and
still use VHS.)
So, here is one question past to me from one in the No-Mylene Land Zone-
As far as I knew, they were in the same format. I thought you could play DVDs from other countries on your system, which would be the point of having all that info on a CD right? Anyway, some one having the same prob or solving that problem, please let me know. I'll post the answer to help the others in the No-Mylene Zone with DVD players in the states.
Hope this answers your video/DVD/CD questions. I get enough email or guestbook posts, that this should help most of those questions now. But don't hestitate, still not what you need, then email me. ;-) I think this is one of the biggest questions emailed to me. So, please visit my store for on-line purchasing help. I've done the finger work for you. Just point, click, and get the Mylene you need. ;-)
Here is a repeat of information since I've been asked it several
more times through Guestbook postings and emails. Looks like her first
set of videos...Video Clips from "Plus Grandir"...up through "Beyond My
Control" will be out on DVD on May 23, 2000. The second set, which is
Video Clips II without "Que Mon Coeur Lache", but with "California",
etc...will also have one video off her new album..."L'Ame Stram Gram",
with the making of that video. Plus the videos,
- L'âme-stram-gram
- Je te rends ton amour
- Souviens-toi du jour
- Optimistique-moi
This came out in sometime in Jan. Last but not least, the Concert at Bercy in 1996 was available on DVD May 23, 2000.
Needless to say, this is great if you haven't got her videos and have DVD, but I'm still waiting painfully for her new videos to come out on a collection, and for Bercy 1999.
Hope this answers your video/DVD/CD questions. I get enough email or guestbook posts, that this should help most of those questions now. But don't hestitate, still not what you need, then email me. ;-)
Below is a recap of all the news that was happening during the summer and though the rest of the year. Read through to get caught up. I know how it felt to be out of touch on Mylene, so this hopefully will help you lose that feeling.
To always stay in touch, join the Mailing List--MFFZ-USA INFO Channel, Scroll to the bottom of this page.
"Voici" is a weekly entertainment like newspaper that put out a 2 page story that Mylene is pregnate with Laurent Boutonnat's baby. It is suppose to be due next year.
Well, got it official from the MFIFC that HER PEOPLE are saying she's not pregnant. This could mean two things:
And there is talk of her going on tour again on the Mylenium Tour because she didn't make enough money on the first go around. She's suppose to schedule new dates for Sept./Oct. We'll just have to wait and see if she starts to protrude in like 5 months.
The next single to come off her new album "Innamoramento" is the song of the same name. The single "Innamoramento" would have had the mixes/single come out June 27. But, it kept getting postponed. After dates being pushed up over and over, it finally came out July 18th-ish. I say "ish" because I kept getting emails around the time it was coming out, then it wasn't, and then it was, then it wasn't. Geez. But word finally around that date, it premired. It even was cancelled for release for awhile.
IT is a montage of scenes from the Mylenium Tour. If you're lucky enough to live in France, you've probably been watching it on M6-the young people channel. It's at the top of the Video Charts, as they say, placed as the 3rd top popular video in the country right now. This is when I start wishing I lived in France, or could afford to vacation there more then every few years.
More info on M6! High intense French site. Preceed at your own French speaking level. Great for you all practicing your language skills.(I mean, why do you think I run this site. Keeps my language skills on my toes. ;-)
First, a new single that she has produced with Laurent Bontonuat called "Moi...Lolita". It is being sung by the artist ALIZEE. The video has come out on July 26th.
Plus, New development. Mylene did not appear on "Pavorotti and Friends" in Italy on June 6. Apparently, she cancelled at the last minute. I don't know if she's like doing the Whitney Houston thing, or whatever....I'm just especially bumbed. I was hoping PBS would pick it up, and Mylene would finally be on US TV. SIGH
Mylene did an interview in June on the show MCM. I am lucky enough to have a friend that taped it for me. If you don't, do not worry. I think of everything. It is available to watch(at least part of it) on Instant-Mag, Mylene's on-line video. Just link to the mag, and click on Actualite. Then scroll down till you see Teles. Click on the link, and a realaudio player will display the interview. HAVE FUN! PS: The Link says: "Cliquez ici".
According to Voici Magazine #661 and MFIFC, Mylene is having her single "Tomber 7 fois" from her Anamorphosee album used in a publicity campaign in the States. It's for a Middle Eastern company called Aiwa that make Hi-Fi stereos. It's to be for one of their products. OF course, I don't know whether this will only be on Middle Eastern TV stations, or on National US TV. PLus, the when is not mentioned yet. Keep your eyes open!
Got an email that this commercial appeared on a cable racing station in the US. Now, go figure, if you love racing, you could watch it for hours and possibly see it. Somehow, I don't think this is going to be an often to see commerical. IF you spot it on US or Canadian TV, please let me know. Word is it's an abstract sort of video advertising stereo speakers.
Available in French stores end of February!
Mylene was on the French show "Le Hit Machine" which is on the M6 channel. She performed "Optimistique-Moi" on Sat. March 11th at 10:30am. IF you saw this listed for the 4th of March, that is apparently what was sent out by several MF promo news lines. Guess what? They were wrong, and updated the date a few days ago. Sorry for all of those who turned it on and found something else. It was apparently a last minute program change.
Tiff had a friend tape it in France. I'll let you know what it's like when I get the tape. :-)
Plus, looks like the rumors of "Rever" as a live clip are not going to happen. She is keeping it a mystery about what will be the 5th video from her new album. More news when it happens....
On M6, French TV of course, her new video "Optimistique-Moi" premired. From the pictures, it looks like some kind of circus, with lions and tigers, and bears...(oh my!).
For more info and pics on her new single and video....please check out her on-line magazine Instant-Mag. Warning: it is all in French.
Also, at the above site, you can check out the Acutalite section. IT's got all the new news on Mylene(all in French.) But you can watch French telecasts on her in the teles section. There are some good Realaudio G2 clips from end of March I'd recommend. One is of the show Celebrites 1999, and one is a report on TF1 on March 31, 1999 that show the making of L'Ame Stram Gram.
Mylene will appear in the April issue of the following magazines: Salut and Platine. She'll also be int two weekly mags., Cine Tele Revue Jeux and Le Monde de ce week-end(which means weekend of the 31st or April 1st). I'll try to search myself, and post translations of some highlighted info if available.
The Le Monde article is available on-line as well. Thing is, it's all in French. It's pretty cool though. Talks about the Farmermania(as if we didn't know), and mentions how much her singles sell for, special editions esp. Than it talks to fans on why they are fantiques, and that they range in age 14 to 23 and older. (Personally, I'm 31 and climbling.)Worth it to at least practice your French.
Mylene speaks to her gay fans in this 4 page article in "Tribu Move". Apparently, it's mostly a Paris Magazine, but you can order it through this address below. IT costs...25ff plus 16FF to ship. IF your international, you could always write a letter and ask how much it would cost to your country. For more info, check out the news section of the Mylene Farmer International Fan Club. They've got a pic of the cover up.
Last year, Mylene won the NRJ Awards on Jan. 22, 2000. Mylene was nominated for three awards, and won all three. This year, she has won again for best Francophone female singer. Next year, let's hope she gets nominated in more categories! In case you have no clue: NJR is a radio station for the younger generation in France. |
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MYLENE Song to appears in RUGRATS IIIRUGRATS IN PARIS soundtrack was released on Nov. 7th in the States! | ![]() |
Well, Mylene is finally broken into Hollywood songwriting with a song written for the next Rugrat movie-Rugrats in Paris(Les Razmokets a Paris). The song title is called "L'Histoire d'une fee, c'est..." and has appeared on the movie US soundtrack with other songs by Cindy Lauper, Madonna, Sinead O'Conner, and Tionne T-Box Watkins with TLC. That's just naming a few.
I've tranlated the title to mean The Story of a Fairy, It is..., but it could have other cultural or contextual meaning that of course, being a California girl, I may be clueless about.(There isn't much French spoken in California, except for where I live-Silicon Valley.) So hope that helps the non-speaking French fans in No-Mylene Land and the states. And yes, any further insight is welcome to this title. Just email me or post on the message board. I'll be happy to pass along the word.
TO order this album through Amazon.com through my On-Line store: RUGRATS IN PARIS Soundtrack-Direct Link to Purchase!
Movie came out on November 17th in the States. It has just been released in France-end of Feb. There was quite a hoopla, more than here of course, for Mylene. But then, I've had it already for 3 months, and it was the first time to have something ahead of the French. (Heah, US gets something of Mylene first....wow!) Check out the Rugrats Website for all info:RUGRATS IN PARIS-HOMESITE!It doesn't really mention anything about Mylene. Has the story, movie trailer, and other artists of the soundtrack that American audiences 15 and under might recognize.(I hate rap music, and anything popular is pretty unimaginative with no appearances in my CD collection. But, heah, if your curious by what Mylene got herself into, check it out.
Yeah, when you look at the line-up, it looks like she is the token French Singer that they need to have since they are placing the movie in Paris. (I am cringing at all the French stereotypes that will be mixed in with the Rugrats, rap music, and baby talk.) But heah, at least it's big name American audiences finally hearing music we know is already kicking baby ass!
But if one knows Mylene, she is a sucker for baby and cutesy things. Of course, what next? Charlie's Angels go to Paris?
Want to hear this song? There are all kinds of rumors on the internet, but since I LIVE IN THE STATES it was released and purchased by moi. I consider it a duty to the No-Mylene Land to use my, for once, "Not in France" advantage(formerly a disadvantage for new releases.)
Several minutes to load, but about 1:30sec. of the song. I mixed different parts of the song to give you a flavor. The song itself is about 4-5 minutes in length. Plus, this is from the US release soundtrack. Don't know if the French version differs. Any French fans who have both, just email me, and I'll put it up in the news site to let you all know.
TO HEAR IT as a Wav file
(otherwords your browser should be able to play it. But it might take a few minutes to download. Size: 850K)
NOTE: All copyrights are acknowledged in that this is a fan preview just put up for the pure sharing of fans to hear the single on the album. We folks in No-Mylene Land never get to hear singles really until it's like months old. This is finally a time that I have the edge over the other side of the Atlantic. WAHOO! IF you'd like to purchase, here is the link to direct purchase through Amazon.com.
I've had several requests for info or to start a US Fan Club for Mylene. Of course, if I start one, I'll set up a seperate page for News on the club specifically. I feel the main site should still be for all the people through out the world in No-Mylene lands who need info on her.
So far, there doesn't seem to be a fan club for the US. But I have seen the International Club MFIFC including Etats-Unis a lot along with Canada. They weren't doing that several months ago. Maybe finally, the US is being looked at as a Mylene territory. (Anything to get rid of Celine Dion as the number one known French singer, right?) So, I think this website is making some impact. If anything, at least there is the niche on the internet that has been established by this site! Scroll to bottom to join the Info list for the site if you want to receive continuing information on Mylene-in English.
This last summer was hot for Mylene. She came out with a new album
in May called "Innamoramento". Not as hard rockish as her last, it's
like Mylene went to the Lillith Faire, and came back and wrote this
album. Ok, it's good really, but different. But isn't that why we like
her? She has two singles from it..."L'Ame Stram Gram"...which is like
saying....LA LA LA LA LA in english, like when you don't know the words
to your favorite song so you go LA LA LA. Second single came out June
8th...with the video realise on June 17th, 1999. The name: "Je Te Rends
Ton Amour"!
Now, "Souviens-Toi Du Jour" was released as a
single...Sept. 24th. Single and Video is out as we speak. Both are
available for your listening and viewing pleasure at: INSTANT-MAGAZINE....the offical on-line magazine for Mylene Farmer.
Conseil Supérieur de l'Audiovisuel(like the FCC in the States, but for France of course) has ruled that Mylene's new video "Je Rends Ton Amour" contains too much blood, violence, sex, and religion. Like what else is new? Apparently it's also too satanistic. She isn't called the French Madonna for nothing, right folks?
Ahh, but that's not all...
Mylene's single for Sept. was..."Souviens-toi Du Jour". However, it is rumored she has been purchasing the rights to "Petit Prince" to be used in a video. So, I think something is up. Probably a video is being filmed as we speak. One can hope.
Ok, don't listen to me. Check it out yourself.
has just put up the new dance mixes "Souviens-Toi Du Jour" as of Sept.
27th! You have to have a RealAudio Player G2 to hear it, but it's worth
it. Also available now since July 8th is the uncut version of the video
"Je Te Rends Ton Amour" on VHS. It's 34FF in France. Plus, Instant Mag
just uploaded some video of Mylene from the 80s!! Viewable on
RealPlayer G2.
Mylene has done a most excellent photo shoot in black and white with the photographer Peter Lindbergh for the August 25th issue of French Vogue. Check with local bookstores to see if it can be specially ordered, since a lot of stores lately don't carry French magazines in stock. Well, at least not in the US. Forewarned is foreprepared to preorder at least.
If you have ahd trouble getting this as well, you can check out the picks on-line on the Internation Fan Clubs News Section.
Their in Black and White, and are very...dramatically Mylene."Le Chevalier à la Rose" Issue #26 will have Mylene on the cover, and an article on her on pages 24 and 25. I'm planning to email and see if I can get a copy. The email address available is edlfrance@aol.com. Voici Magazine is suppose to have some lines about her, but not the 2 pages that Le Chevalier has. For more information check out her International Fan Club Site.
Totally love Mylene? Felt like the only American? Or knew there had to be more like you somewhere? Welcome to a new experience you are going to need to bookmark. Sign my guest book or send me an email. Always love to chat about Mylene!
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