This page celebrates my attendance at the Mylenium Tour in 1999. It was a long, hard journey from California to Paris, all in one weekend. Good News: Mylene is planning another tour for her new album. Bad News: I'm not getting any younger. Joke, but heah. This is what happens when you live in No-Mylene Land. Yeah, in California, Mylene can walk around and NO ONE knows who she is. So, for those lucky enough to be able to make it to France or Europe, here are the dates.
Tickets go on-sale May 23, 2008.
These dates are from OUEST FRANCE.
For more info, MYLENE.NET is very helpful. But it is in French. Will translate news as best I can when available. |
Well, at least I have real memories instead of just seeing the video tape of the concert.
Mylene is doing a big tour for her new album...that opened officially in Paris Sept. 24th., 1999(Yours truly flew for the weekend), and was there Sept. 25th. Told you I was crazy.
I'm getting some info from the International Fan Club newsletters that there may be some more dates forthcoming of the Mylenium Tour. THis is NOT Definate. But there seems to be some talk of it. The CD for the Tour is suppose to come out around that time, so we'll have to see. All keep posting updated info when it becomes available.
When while, I have left up the previous dates of the tour for reference. ;-)
The Dates were:
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PS: Fevrier=February Mars=March
Heah, got emails about it, needed to clarify. I am humbly here to serve.
Sad to say, the International Fan Club Site has the official word posted that there will be no tour in Canada in March. Nothing about yes or no to Japan though. Any other dates, I will surely add. Just keep checking back.
Plus, looks like there might be another planned go for dates sometime in Sept./Oct. 2000! Cross our fingers...probably will be in France only.
Ok, you got to give me a few days to recover from the ordeal of flying half way around the world for a concert...but was it worth it!! Mylene was awesome as usual. She did her usual crying during songs when all the fans sang back to her. She had all the spectacular costumes and sets. There is a real Celtic/Egyptian ancient civilization thing going as a theme. Lot's of pyrotechnic..flames, fireworks...large statues with a goddess like pasterior that looks a hell-of-alot like Mylene. If you've got's totally worth it. If not...go get some!!! The red-haired bitch definately puts on a great show!
Some of the mIRC members got a camera in, and I've put them into a page for your viewing pleasure.
Pictures courtesy of mIRC #mylene member--MULDER
The mIRC #mylene members have been working on their pages and have put up stuff from the big opening weekend. For more info about the BIG MIRC #Mylene meeting in Paris Sept. 24-26, go to My mIRC #Mylene Page!
Looks like there is the whole kit and kaboodle to buy for this tour. T-shirts, pins, programmes, and hats, all the traditional stuff. But there is a little stuffed sheep listed too.
PLUS, if you missed the tour, the merchandise is still available through the following address:
Yup, there is a listing for a Live at Bercy CD for Mylene that will be released on Jan. 1, 2000. Now, it doesn't say it's for the Mylenium Tour, but what else could it be. The Bercy96 listing is totally different. Thus, the Tiffmeister has concluded(as other mIRC members have too) that it's got to be for her new tour. Link here to order your copy through my Mylene Store with
We were there..the Big Bercy99 meeting for mIRC I must say was a success. All the info and links on my MF Zone mIRC Page.
Totally love Mylene? Felt like the only American? Or knew there had to be more like you somewhere? Welcome to a new experience you are going to need to bookmark. Sign my guest book or send me an email. Always love to chat about Mylene!
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