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Welcome to my page. Here find all sorts of stuff on the Titanic, Emma Thompson, and anything else that comes to mind.
You are witnessing the birth of my page. Come back as often as you can for updated new on Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Thompson, and anything British related.
For right now...here is my features for your viewing pleasure...
The Titanic Info Nook!
(Maintaned by both the Tiffmeister and Myself)
My Leonardo DiCaprio Gallery-o-Pics!
My Emma Thompson And British Stuff Page!
Jen's Cozy Chat
--My chat room to talk Leo, Emma, things Brit, or just some good gossip.
Jen's Tell It Like It IS!!---Message Board
Speak your mind on my page subjects. Share dirt on Leonardo, Emma, and any other old thing British or Titanic related.
Official movie site link...for those needing more than just going to see the movie!
The OFFICIAL Leonardo DiCaprio HomepageThis is his official home on the web. A worshipper haven.
Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what you think, what you want to see, or just give me the thumbs upl
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