Cyberfriend's Web Page Award
Well, it's about time all of us that work hard on our personal pages get some heart felt recognition. Here's a little pat on the back award for all those people who feel their site rocks the web. You don't need to be a member to apply. Just email me and let me know why your site rocks the web, plus your URL, name, and email address. I'll look it over and let you know whether you win.
Jennifer Wellman's Home Page
Info on several of her favorite subjects such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Thompson, anything British related, and of course the Titanic Movie.
The Moon of the Month Home Page
This site features the backsides of different cyberpeople mooning the internet. You get to vote on the best moon, that is chosen to show the phases of the moon next month. Winners win a t-shirt, and recognition for mooning the internet. Maybe you could be next? Email your pic of your bum to win. This site has brief nudity if you consider the backside of people to be nudity.
This all sounds great, but you don't have a web page. Don't worry, I think of everything.
Tiffmeister's Guide to Creating Your Own Home Page
Become a CyberFriend. Think the guidelines are fine, put a cool gif pic on your page , and add a link. Email me, and you're in. It's that simple.
Link Here for Info!
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Tiffmeister's Silicon Valley Humor Page
Tiffmeister's X-Files Page
80s Music Connection
Tiffmeister's Sci-Fi/Fantasy Page
Want to see other cool personal pages, get ideas, find more people with your interests...Try the GeoGuide below.
This all sounds great, but you don't have a web page. Don't worry, I think of everything.
Tiffmeister's Guide to Creating Your Own Home Page
You all have a nice day, you hear?
Just surfed on, think the internet rocks and want to share,...
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You are the CyberPerson to surf by.